The new JSB collection marks a new chapter in the brand's history, a turning of the page with a new direction to follow and new dreams to conquer. Being is such a small word with such a big meaning! Who am I? Who do I want to be? What dreams do I have in me?
With pop culture references from the 60's/70's and a graphic allusion linked to the dream, João Sousa's new proposals reflect the past and the future. There is a duality of tones in the collection, the clear symbolizing the dream, the blank paper to be written on, the purity that the brand tries to convey in all its collections, the rawness and simplicity of the imperfect. The dark tones, on the other hand, symbolize the obstacle, the doors that were closed on the way, the hardness of the battle in a competitive world full of opinions.
Being is a challenge from the creator to the public to think about who they are, who they want to be and how daring they are to dream! The road is long, full of obstacles, but in the end everything will become clear like a new unwritten sheet.
Fotografia: João Santos Styling: Joana Silva Models: Helena Sarmento , Ana Lourosa, Ruben Santos, Marco Tavares MUA - Viso
Hair - Ezequiel
Special Thanks
Câmara Municipal de Santo Tirso ,Invest Santo Tirso, Troficolor, SéculoRival, Pallas ,Millho ,Vera Manzoni, Pão Quente Areias, Central Models, Face Models